Wednesday 24 April 2013

A ruff drawing of another character we are going to use towards the game yet minor changes will be made as to the fact i would like to make his face more evil and likable. Does look abit turkish i think but thats how they dress the rich vilan back in 1950-60, maybe a tzar. Im thinking to make him similar to the bad guy in Alladin, who steals the lamp.

below a capture of the time theif by agent Alfa who can travel through time yet kept falling over the evidence during the process of the game. This could goes to show unthought scripting of a story, not quite promptly brainstormed, would a game player enjoy such game. who knows we will see.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Sunday 14 April 2013

The five faces are done

Designing a character can be hard, his features, emotions, type of person, good guy or bad guy, all depend on his placement in the game, make believe or an imagination. A persona for each character and his characteristic will be ready this weekend as i will continue research on several background depending on each different persona in this selection of five character i have got their faces and name down.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

changed character he needs a persona and name before i was assigned to design him to
avoid further delays...

Sunday 7 April 2013

Intros for inspiration,..

 we need a load key

 A start up background

 we need a start key

 These pictures aren't going to be copied, just for the graphics to obtain a point of reference.
this clock was very good quality pixels. I could blend it someway into the times changing video later on. A great clip could take months to complete, but with hard hours and loads of inspiration, it could pay off. 

Visual Research ,,, 'Unfinished Graphics'

time travel


possible time theif Crisis maker

Saturday 6 April 2013

3DS max, After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, Pro Premier


The game trailer is on its way of being fixed properly, i have realized that communication between programmers and graphic designers is very different its as if their minds are completely different. A designer cannot design 5, 6 video without any scripts and storyboards. i revived the layout of the story on Thursday.